Reading microscopes
Microscopic glasses magnify close objects and are prescribed to help with reading and near tasks.
Magnification can be from 2X to 8X more depending upon the patient’s need. These lenses are designed for maximum clarity (reduction of distortion). They can also be used for looking at cell phones, and other hand held devices. Diabetics appreciate them for reading the scale and other appreciate the ability to return to reading. Like other low vision aids they contain the patient’s prescription so if one has astigmatism or other refractive errors it can be incorporated into the prescription.
Telemicroscopic Glasses
For people who need magnification for near but multiple working distances or require a greater working distance telemicroscopic lenses work well. These are well suited for tasks such as computer/desk work as well as some hobbies and crafts. Often a lens cap can be utilized in a distance telescopic application to allow the telescope to be used both at near (like for reading) and for distance (watching TV). Sometimes I use a bifocal cap rather than a carrier lens allowing two different distances to be magnified.
Prismatic Correction
Due to the close working distance of microscopic lenses often a prismatic correction is incorporated into the prescription. The prism minimizes the eyestrain from the intense convergence required when both eyes are utilized with high powered microscopes.