Electronic Magnification & New Technologies
Wearable Electronic Magnifiers
Sometimes we need more magnification. Wearable technology allows for more magnification and is adaptable to different focal distances. For some patients it’s a great solution. Having this option expands our tool chest of low vision solutions. We are leaders in this field providing prescription new generation wearable electronic eyewear.
Electronic Magnification
For patients whose remaining vision is not sufficient to get help from microscopic or telescopic glasses, electronic magnifiers are often helpful. They are available in both hand held and and desktop versions. Electronic magnification allows the person to increase or decrease magnification according to their needs. In addition contrast can be changed and background can be changed. Sometimes using both lenses that magnify and an electronic device works well. When eyeglass magnification is not appropriate I may prescribe electronic devices.
CentraSight Implantable Telescope
The implantable telescope is an option for patients with end stage macular degeneration along with cataracts. the telescope is implanted in one eye only and is used to enlarge objects.