Frequently Asked Questions

What is low vision?

Low vision means that in spite of glasses, contacts and medical eye care such as cataract surgery, retinal surgery, or injections, you just don’t see well enough to do the things you wish to do. That includes vision loss that can hinder everyday activities such as reading, walking outside, cooking, playing cards and driving.

What causes low vision?

You are not alone in the world of low vision. There are many causes including glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, other diseases such as Stargardt’s disease, retinitis pigmentosa and albinism. Sometimes it’s more than one problem combined.

How is a Low Vision Examination different?

A low vision exam takes about an hour. The examination is not to treat eye disease  rather to focus on vision and function. The exam does not require dilation. It can generally be broken into 4 parts. The first part is a dialogue with the patient to determine how their vision impacts their everyday life. A “wish list” is created so the doctor can understand better what the patient’s goals are. Part two is testing to determine the level of impairment. Part three is working with magnification, illumination and other optical and non-optical low vision devices. This part of testing will often determine more than one way to provide a solution to the “wish list” items. Part four is another conversation to determine the best form and solution for each individual task. Most often each device will be individualized for a particular task although sometimes devices can be utilized for several tasks.

What are the costs involved?

A Low Vision Examination takes one hour and the fee is $300.00. This is not covered by Medicare or private insurance. Low vision glasses vary in costs depending upon what type of lenses are utilized. The following is a list of the type of systems commonly prescribed:

Microscopic and telemicroscopic
Prismatic (often combined with the above)
E-Scoop® – lenses with special filters, prism and other design features
Monocular, binocular, Full field, wide field and Bioptic designs
Special lightening and or tinting to reduce glare and optimize retinal function

How long does it take to get the low vision glasses?

It typically takes three weeks for specialized glasses to be fabricated.

What is the Complimentary Telephone Interview?

All of my patients receive a telephone interview prior to their low vision exam. In the vast majority of cases I can determine the likelihood of helping you. I don’t want to waste your time and money by scheduling an examination unless  you can be helped. My goal is to help, not disappoint you.

What if my prescription changes?

If your prescription changes or if your condition worsens within the first 3 months and you need stronger magnification then I will change the lenses at no cost; between 3 months and subsquent year the fee is 50% off.  Rarely does this occur. Prior to ordering any glasses I will demonstrate how you will see through the actual lenses.


Our Goal

To restore the ability to perform the tasks you're like to do but can't due to vision loss.

Dr. Evans

Low Vision Palm Springs is a division of Evans Eye Care Optometry a registered California Optometric Corporation.

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